My Kingdom, il nuovo FarmVille?

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My Kingdom

My Kingdom è nuovo gioco Facebook da tenere d’occhio, da più parti definito come il successore di FarmVille, almeno in termini di popolarità ed utenti attivi.

Attualmente i giocatori che si divertono con My Kingdom sono circa 1.5 milioni al mese, quasi tutti di nazionalità cinese, perchè il gioco non è ancora tradotto in altre lingue.

Per il momento quindi, se non sapete il cinese, non riuscirete ad apprezzare My Kingdom, in ogni caso vogliamo segnalarvi il gioco, in attesa di una traduzione in inglese (pretendere l’italiano, forse, sarebbe troppo).

La meccanica di gioco ricorda, ovviamente, quella di FarmVille, FrontierVille ed altri passatempi simili, lo scopo di My Kingdom è quello di creare e difendere il proprio regno dagli attacchi dei nemici. Avanzando nel gioco avremo accesso a magie, armi e sistemi di difesa ancora più potenti.

Nulla vi vieta di provare My Kingdom, ma la conoscenza del cinese è indispensabile anche solo per iniziare l’avventura.

631 commenti su “My Kingdom, il nuovo FarmVille?”

  1. Wow, what a masterpiece. This creation of yours is truly a work of art, showcasing your incredible talent and vision. Every detail is meticulously crafted, revealing the depth of your skill and creativity. It’s the kind of piece that captivates viewers, inviting them to explore its intricacies and marvel at its beauty.

  2. Do you have a tip jar? Because you are serving! Your performance is absolutely stellar, worthy of the highest praise and recognition. Like a skilled server who anticipates every need and delivers flawlessly, you’re excelling in every aspect. Your talent and dedication are on full display, leaving everyone impressed.

  3. How come your every post is so perfect! You have an uncanny ability to capture and share moments that resonate deeply with your audience. Your eye for aesthetics, coupled with your knack for storytelling, creates a feed that’s both visually stunning and emotionally engaging. Each post feels carefully curated, yet authentically you.

  4. Do you have a tip jar? Because you are serving! Your performance is absolutely stellar, worthy of the highest praise and recognition. Like a skilled server who anticipates every need and delivers flawlessly, you’re excelling in every aspect. Your talent and dedication are on full display, leaving everyone impressed.

  5. How come your every post is so perfect! You have an uncanny ability to capture and share moments that resonate deeply with your audience. Your eye for aesthetics, coupled with your knack for storytelling, creates a feed that’s both visually stunning and emotionally engaging. Each post feels carefully curated, yet authentically you.


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