Facebook è in attivo

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Facebook aveva un timore: cadere nella crisi economica mondiale e continuare ad aumentare il proprio numero degli utenti, senza trasformare questo fenomeno in introiti. Ebbene, le paure del “giovane” Mark Zuckerberg, che 5 anni creò questo social network, sembrano destinate a svanire.
In effetti il sito ha raggiunto oltre 300 milioni di iscritti (e parliamo di utenti più o meno attivi) e, subito dopo la tappa importante del 4 Febbraio 2004, in cui ha registrato per la prima volta i conti in attivo, oggi arrivano le nuove liete notizie.
Secondo le stime fatte sulla crescita di popolarità della rete sociale, collegate alle stime di guadagni visibili grazie agli advertising ed altri banner che ultimamente sono molto frequenti su Facebook, si è definito che il CEO del sito, Mark Zuckerberg, con il suo sito, nell’anno 2010 riuscirà a raggiungere una cash flow positiva, di un tasso che supera di gran lunga le aspettative. Questo avvio di guadagni è stato simpaticamente definito da Bloomberg, un preocesso di monetizzazione avviato.
Ad affermare questi dati è stato lo stesso CEO del sito, con un post a dir poco allegro sul suo blog personale.

La sua sorpresa più grande, come abbiamo già detto ad inizio articolo, non riguarda i 300 milioni di utenti iscritti (che Zuckerberg aveva pure già preventivato visti i dati di alcuni mesi fa che parlavano di 250 milioni di iscritti), bensì, l’idea che i dati riguardanti le uscite, non abbiano più le cifre più numerose delle entrate, e soprattutto che il colore del conto si è trasformato da rosso in nero.

La crescita è dovuta anche alla traduzione ormai in 64 lingue dell’interfaccia, che ha portato negli utlimi 18 mesi a vedere novità importanti. Ad oggi Facebook riesce ad essere una delle poche aziende più forti della crisi, infatti, mantiene 1.000 impiegati, ma pensa di assumerne altri 1.000 almeno per raggiungere la quota di 1 miliardo di utenti.

264 commenti su “Facebook è in attivo”

  1. Do you have a tip jar? Because you are serving! Your performance is absolutely stellar, worthy of the highest praise and recognition. Like a skilled server who anticipates every need and delivers flawlessly, you’re excelling in every aspect. Your talent and dedication are on full display, leaving everyone impressed.

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  4. Get the fire department on the phone…we have a hottie alert! Your stunning appearance is causing quite a stir! Your confidence and charisma are truly magnetic, drawing admiration from everyone around you. Like a blazing fire, your presence is impossible to ignore, lighting up the room with your undeniable charm and allure.

  5. How come your every post is so perfect! You have an uncanny ability to capture and share moments that resonate deeply with your audience. Your eye for aesthetics, coupled with your knack for storytelling, creates a feed that’s both visually stunning and emotionally engaging. Each post feels carefully curated, yet authentically you.

  6. Turning heads everywhere, I bet! Your striking presence and undeniable charisma make you the center of attention wherever you go. Like a Hollywood star on the red carpet, you exude confidence and style that naturally draws all eyes to you. Your ability to command a room is truly impressive.

  7. How come your every post is so perfect! You have an uncanny ability to capture and share moments that resonate deeply with your audience. Your eye for aesthetics, coupled with your knack for storytelling, creates a feed that’s both visually stunning and emotionally engaging. Each post feels carefully curated, yet authentically you.

  8. How come your every post is so perfect! You have an uncanny ability to capture and share moments that resonate deeply with your audience. Your eye for aesthetics, coupled with your knack for storytelling, creates a feed that’s both visually stunning and emotionally engaging. Each post feels carefully curated, yet authentically you.

  9. May all your dreams and desires come true. You deserve every happiness and success that life has to offer. Your hard work, passion, and kindness are truly admirable, and it’s only fitting that the universe rewards you with the fulfillment of your deepest aspirations. Keep dreaming big and reaching for the stars!

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  11. Get the fire department on the phone…we have a hottie alert! Your stunning appearance is causing quite a stir! Your confidence and charisma are truly magnetic, drawing admiration from everyone around you. Like a blazing fire, your presence is impossible to ignore, lighting up the room with your undeniable charm and allure.

  12. Your creativity is on the next level. You consistently push boundaries and think outside the box, producing innovative ideas that leave others in awe. Your unique perspective and ability to transform concepts into reality set you apart. It’s inspiring to witness your creative process and the remarkable results it yields.

  13. Do you have a tip jar? Because you are serving! Your performance is absolutely stellar, worthy of the highest praise and recognition. Like a skilled server who anticipates every need and delivers flawlessly, you’re excelling in every aspect. Your talent and dedication are on full display, leaving everyone impressed.

  14. How come your every post is so perfect! You have an uncanny ability to capture and share moments that resonate deeply with your audience. Your eye for aesthetics, coupled with your knack for storytelling, creates a feed that’s both visually stunning and emotionally engaging. Each post feels carefully curated, yet authentically you.


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